IAN Network News

Introducing Justicia Lab!

The Immigration Advocates Network has always served two roles. We have been a hub for advocate resources and a space for collaboration and the development of immigrant legal tech initiatives like CitizenshipworksImmiImmigration Law Help, and ¡Reclamo!. We recently created the Justicia Lab brand to more clearly delineate the work of the Immigration Advocates Network website and our role as a launchpad for immigration legal tech initiatives.

See our announcement here.

While our name is changing, the Immigration Advocates Network website will remain a hub for advocate resources in place and our Citizenshipworks, Immi, and Immigration Law Help tools will continue to support and serve our partners as usual - albeit with a new look and feel.

Check out our new website and reach let us know if you’d like to bring any of our nonprofit, immigrant legal tools to your organization!

¡Say Hola!

Citizenshipworks at #NIICC2022 & #CC4Citizenship

This week, our Citizenshipworks team joined national immigrant advocates from around the country for the 15th Annual National Immigrant Integration Conference and Cities & Counties for Citizenship Convening. We shared innovative new strategies to deliver naturalization services at scale and learned from local and state partners about their technology and justice needs.

Interested in learning more about our work and bringing Citizenshipworks to your organization? Send us a note and ask us about CitizenshipworksPro

Learn more about CitizenshipworksPro

Win $100! Help us Improve IAN with a 5 Minute Survey!

We want to continuously improve the IAN site to make sure that our pages and resources are useful to you. Your input is highly valued. Please take part in a 5-minute google survey focused on your user experience.  Thank you for your continued support and contributed engagement! We’ll randomly select one participant to receive a $100 gift card to thank you for your time!

Fill Out IAN Survey

The Latest from Immigration Advocates Network

This is the monthly digest from the Immigration Advocates Network and our partners in immigrant advocacy:

Jobs in Immigrant Advocacy

For more jobs visit https://www.immigrationadvocates.org/nonprofit/jobs/.
To share a job listing, email [email protected]

About the Immigration Advocates Network

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), a program of Justicia Lab, is an online community of over ten-thousand nonprofit professionals, pro bono lawyers, students, and faculty committed to fighting for immigrant justice. Join the IAN community to receive regular updates, connect with other members, and learn about new digital tools immigrant justice. 

Support immigrants and their advocates today!

Justicia Lab's Products
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