December 14, 2022  •  Weekly Newsletter
Phillip W. Magness and David Waugh (American Institute for Economic Research)

New Twitter CEO Elon Musk has released files showing that Twitter and other tech companies intentionally blacklisted, censored, and suppressed the Great Barrington Declaration and its signers in an effort to prop up the government's official COVID narrative. READ MORE »
Naomi R. Wolf (Outspoken with Dr. Naomi Wolf)

Yale—and it is not alone—has mandated that its students, who are not at risk from Covid, get yet another medically risky booster. Why? Follow the money. Yale receives more from (you guessed it) HHS than it does from tuition. Naomi Wolf revisits her alma mater to object...and finds an eerie silence. READ MORE »

The U.S. Supreme Court has been hearing oral arguments in a number of explosive cases, including the freedom of web designers to choose what version of marriage they will adorn through their work, plus cases dealing with Joe Biden’s executive order transferring student loan debt from borrowers to taxpayers, and Harvard’s race-based admissions policies. Plus more. WATCH NOW »
Judy L. Shelton (Wall Street Journal)

Government. It paid people not to work (less supply) but to keep buying (high demand). The result: record high prices. And more government intervention by the Fed isn’t the answer. READ MORE »
Lee E. Ohanian (California on Your Mind)

California’s new fast-food law establishes a politically appointed council with unprecedented power to set worker wages, hours, and working conditions, essentially killing the franchise model. But unionized businesses—they are exempt. Of course. READ MORE »
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