Have you had a chance to participate in our latest poll?
We’re asking readers like you a question that the mainstream media won’t ask. In the coming year, which of the Jay Inslee administration’s biggest scandals would you like to see investigated?
You see, you can’t trust the mainstream media to do their jobs – the reporters too often operate as an arm of the Democrat Party. But you can count on us to expose both the media and Democrats’ corruption.
Take our poll today and let us know!
Thank you,
The Shift WA team


Here’s a serious question for readers like you the mainstream media won’t ask. In the coming year, which of the Inslee administration’s biggest scandals would you like to see investigated?
Shift Washington

If the 2022 midterm elections proved anything, it’s that mainstream media outlets in our state will ignore stories that portray Democrats negatively. They refuse to do their jobs: hold the powerful accountable.

But the mainstream media’s behavior during the 2022 midterm elections did not exactly come as a surprise to anyone paying attention. Ask yourself, with Jay Inslee in the governor’s office for the last 10 years, can you identify any in-depth investigation into his biggest failures?

It’s beyond just laziness or lack of resources. For the entirety of Inslee’s reign of terror as governor, the state’s media outlets have avoided conducting investigations into any his errors and scandals. And that’s certainly not due to want of corruption to investigate.

Cover-ups. Smokescreens. Outright lies. All accepted without question by a compliant press corps forced to sign up for Inslee’s virtual campaign press conferences. Whatever you choose to call the mainstream media’s approach to an out-of-control administration – the reality is that it’s harming our state by distorting the results of our elections.

Given that reality, here’s a serious question for readers like you the mainstream media won’t ask. In the coming year, which of the Inslee administration’s biggest scandals would you like to see investigated?
  • No one held accountable at the state Employment Security Department for losing over $650 million in taxpayer dollars to fraud.
  • Poor administration at the Western State Hospital resulting in the federal government decertifying the hospital and costing the state $53 million in federal money.
  • Department of Corrections officials knowing about a 13-year-long “error” that resulted in the early release of up to 3,700 prison inmates and doing nothing to correct it.
  • Undeniable abuse of our state’s emergency powers law, resulting in undemocratic, one-man rule for over 975 days.
  • Spending millions of taxpayer dollars on a series of foreign junkets with family – including, ironically, flights to overseas climate change conferences.
  • Illegally using public property and taxpayer funds to conduct Democrat campaign rallies.
  • Using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to get rid of state employees who do not fall in line with far-left political beliefs.
Mainstream media reporters have failed to investigate any of these scandals because it would force them to admit that they have not been doing their job during Inslee’s reign. As a sad point of comparison, the Seattle Times has now spent more time breathlessly providing daily coverage of the Pierce County Sheriff’s trial over a two-year-old incident than on any of the Inslee’s Administrations scandals and corruption over the last decade.

We hope you take just a moment to participate in our poll and let us know which one of Inslee’s scandals you most want to see investigated next year.

Thank you,

The Shift WA team