We’re fighting to hold the mainstream media accountable when reporters act like an arm of the Democrat Party by pushing far-Left stories or ignoring liberal corruption.
You may not know about Shift Washington – but we've had your back for several years. 
We are a common-sense, conservative media outlet that highlights relevant political news in Washington State. We feature the stories the mainstream media does not, or will not, cover.
In our Daily Briefing – a daily news round-up delivered straight to your inbox – we take on the far-Left activists and liberal elected officials in our state by exposing their hypocrisy and shining a light on their extreme agenda. 
In our first year almost a decade ago, Shift WA broke the story of far-Left billionaire Tom Steyer's financing of progressive organizations – and Jay Inslee – in our state long before Steyer became a national political name, ran for President, and flamed out spectacularly! Our exposure of Steyer funneling millions of dollars to "extreme green" organizations seeking to impose costly gas taxes on our state earned national coverage
Since then, we've diligently covered topics like local and state level elections, controversies that happen during legislative sessions, and mainstream media outlets' increasingly blatant malfeasance. Most recently, during the 2022 midterms, Shift WA broke an essential story about Democrat candidate Clyde Shavers' own father exposing him as a liar. For days – even as voting was underway – mainstream media outlets ignored the story. 
Voters had no opportunity to hear about Shavers' many lies, including about serving in the military. Revealing the power of the mainstream media, the seriously corrupt Shavers slipped into office by less than 200 votes. 
We're committed to holding the Left accountable and fighting against the mainstream media's outright bias and damaging omissions. We hope you'll join us by signing up for our Daily Briefing today.
We’re fighting to hold the mainstream media accountable when reporters act like an arm of the Democrat Party by pushing far-Left  stories or ignoring liberal corruption. We’re a powerful tool for ensuring people hear about what’s happening in our state. Signing-up for our Daily Briefing means you have this tool at your fingertips.
Thank you,
The Shift WA team