Dear John,

This week during the PACT Act Week of Action, the Department of Veterans Affairs will hold town halls across the country talking about my Honoring our PACT Act and providing information on how toxic-exposed veterans can access the care and benefits they’ve earned. Watch my PSA to learn more about the PACT Act:
The West Los Angeles VA Medical Center is holding a PACT Act event on December 15th, 2022 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. More information can be found here.

Eligible veterans can now file a claim for PACT Act-related disability compensation or apply for VA health care. If you were previous denied, you are encouraged to file a supplemental claim so that your claim may be reviewed again.
If you are one of the 3.5 million veterans impacted by this legislation, apply now for PACT Act-related benefits through VA’s website: If you have any issues navigating the application or accessing your VA benefits, please reach out to my office and my casework team will be happy to assist you. Reach us by emailing [email protected] or calling (951) 222-0203.

Mark Takano
Member of Congress