From Tanisha Smith, Volunteers of America <[email protected]>
Subject FW: There is room for both this holiday...
Date December 14, 2022 7:07 PM
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Friend, the holidays roll fast so I want to make sure you
saw this. Right now, your one gift doubles to 2X its value for a
family, a low-income senior, and others who would be so grateful for a
hot meal and a safe place to stay. A second chance.

In this season of sharing the joys we receive, can we count on you?

Thank you, and Happy Holidays to you!
Tanisha Smith
Vice President, Volunteers of America

Count Me In. Here's a Holiday Gift >

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Date: Wednesday, December 7

Thank you for your support this holiday season!

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Dear Friend,

Are you ready for the most wonderful time of the year? Getting cozy by
the fire, gathering with friends and loved ones...

There's plenty of time this season for the joys we relish, and
the joys we cheerfully give, like giving relief for those families
without the basics right now - food on their table or a roof over
their heads.

Yes, I Can Send Relief For a Neighbor in Need >

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"At that moment, I became a man without shelter... a man
without hope." That's how Kyle, an Army veteran, described
being homeless. Serving in the US military, as a soldier who protected
us and our country, Kyle never imagined he could be this vulnerable,
this reliant, on others. His world spiraled into crisis in an instant.

At our VOA centers, we're seeing rising costs push many Americans into
crisis, into homelessness and dire straits, in real need of real help.
But because of you, there can be hope for people suffering in the most
difficult times of their lives...

Right now, by donating to VOA, your gift is matched dollar-for-dollar
up to $45,000, thanks to a match from generous donors, for 2X the
critical services this holiday season.

DOUBLE your joy of helping others in need

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Kyle was humbled after securing a new place to call home with
VOA's help. Your gift can provide that same relief to a family
this holiday, or a struggling senior, or a veteran like Kyle. And as
part of our matching fund, you'll double the amount we'll
raise in December!

Please, be as generous as you can.

Thank you again and again, for caring and acting to help others,

Mike King
President & CEO, Volunteers of America

P.S. This is a perfect holiday opportunity. Share the joy you receive
for someone in need - with 2X the meals, shelter, and care this
holiday. Thank you!

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Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 341-5000

This winter - meals and shelter save lives

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