Your support helps Jobs With Justice mobilize, organize, and make a real difference for working people!

Dear Friend, 


Mega corporations like Amazon and Starbucks are stepping up their anti-union tactics – showing the world that they will stop at nothing to maximize profits at any cost. But the good news is that workers are mobilizing in record numbers to demand corporations, managers, and the public hears their voices.


At Jobs With Justice, we are committed to being there for all workers fighting to improve their lives. We are conducting hard-hitting research and mobilizing communities across the country to step up for a better world. 


We need your help to carry the momentum into 2022 and beyond. Donate today if you agree that NOW is the time for us to double down our proactive efforts to make a real difference for working families! **This December, the first $25,000 in donations will be DOUBLED thanks to a generous anonymous donor who agrees with our vision for a worker-led economy. **  

  • Dismantle the systems set up to exploit working people, especially Black and Brown workers
  • Create bold policies that give power back to working people.
  • Expand our hard-hitting campaigns to hold corporations accountable.

You can help fuel our campaigns. Please, help us win with a gift today!


In solidarity,


Mackenzie Baris

Deputy Director 

Jobs With Justice