
We are hearing some very disturbing news regarding gun control legislation in Congress. You need to read this at once!

Despite the fact the new Congress won't be in session until next month, we're already hearing whispers of an absolutely MASSIVE anti-gun push.

We all know President Potato Brain is enraged that Congress hasn't banned your guns during his first term. Now comes their retaliation...


And if the past is any indication, we could see everything from:

  • A BAN on all semiautomatics
  • A BAN on your standard magazines
  • A BAN on buying guns without a permit
  • A forced REGISTRATION of all firearms 
  • An expansion of "red flag" gun CONFISCATION
  • And possibly even legislation modeled after HR 5717 going after everything and banning all guns and gun ownership

These and other anti-gun bills could soon be dropping without warning, and we need YOUR HELP to stop them!


Right now we are facing two critical deadlines, both of which could determine whether we're able to kill these upcoming bills.

However, as of this morning, we are tracking behind both our December and annual fundraising goals. Failure would be a total disaster! 

That's why we're calling on you to step up and pitch in TODAY to make sure FPC is prepared to eliminate these urgent threats. 

Please dig deep and donate $25, $50, $100 or perhaps an even more generous amount to our Second Amendment Defense Fund! 


Don't forget the tyrants now have a padded Senate majority and complicity from even more GOP turncoats in the House.

That means unless we push back against this tyranny with overwhelming force, they WILL take your guns, Friend.

Don't wait for the despots to propose even more treason. Donate NOW to make sure your guns are protected!

Stay Free,

Firearms Policy Coalition

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Paid for by the Firearms Policy Coalition. Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee.