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Dear Friend of IDP, 

The reality for so many who need the IDP hotline is one of uncertainty and confusion. We created this resource to offer assistance to those who would otherwise not know where to go for help.
As a child of immigrant parents whose lives were impacted by the criminal legal and immigration systems, I witnessed first hand how they work to separate families with racist and unjust practices.

I am at IDP today because I know what we do makes a difference. I know how powerful of a tool the hotline can be for a loved one in a moment of uncertainty. 
This year our hotline was a pathway for so many, with over 900 calls from individuals in need of support navigating unique and complex situations. 

IDP is instrumental in helping individuals and families understand their cases and making the right connections. 

Please join me in supporting and sustaining this important work 

With gratitude,

Jonathan Monsalve
Executive Director, Immigrant Defense Project

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