Funding Alert: December Issue
The Funding Alert is a free resource produced by Serve DC highlighting grant opportunities and resources for community-based, faith-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofits, and District government agencies. In response to the District’s current public health emergency, the Funding Alert also includes coronavirus (COVID-19) related funding opportunities!
For all current District Government agency grant opportunities, click here to visit the District Grants Clearinghouse.
For all current District volunteer opportunities, click here to visit the Volunteer and Donation Portal.
 Funding Feature
Serve DC Highlights!
(FY23) Supplemental Reentry Flex Funding and Project Safe Neighborhood RFA
The Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (OVSJG) announces the availability of FY2023 grant funds to provide direct client support (flex funding) for the individual needs of returning citizens, and to identify Project Safe Neighborhood (PSN) proposals to reduce violent crime through evidence-based interventions.
Eligible Organizations/Entities: Any public or private, community-based non-profit agency, organization, or institution located in the District of Columbia is eligible to apply, including District government agencies.
For profit organizations are eligible but may not include profit in their grant application; May also participate as subcontractors to eligible agencies.
Award period: January 1, 2023, to September 30, 2023, | Application deadline: December 16, 2022
You can apply for the application at:
District’s Grant Clearing House website:
All applications must be submitted to OVSJG’s online grants management portal, Zoom Grants™. For additional information regarding this grant competition, please email: [email protected] with the subject line reference: “FY 2023 Supplemental Reentry Flex Funding and PSN RFA.”

Join Us in Service!
Board Position: 3-year Term on Serve DC's Commission for National and Community Service:
Serve DC is looking for engaged residents to join the Commission for National and Community Service. The Commission's purpose is to encourage community service and volunteer participation as a means of community and state problem-solving; to promote and support voluntary citizen involvement in government and private programs throughout the District of Columbia; to develop a comprehensive vision and strategic plan for community service initiatives in the District of Columbia; and to serve as the District's liaison between national and other state organizations in concert with the District of Columbia strategic plan.
Interested residents engaged in the nonprofit, youth, philanthropic, business, and labor communities are particularly encouraged to apply.