Ponsonby News Column - Christmas Edition
Note: This Column originally ran in Ponsonby News Christmas
Edition on 30 November 2022
So far, this Parliament I have asked nearly 10,000 written
Parliamentary Questions to Ministers, I’ve grilled Ministers during
Question time and I’ve held the Government to account through the
Select Committee process. I’ve written thousands of letters to
constituents; I’ve read countless more. It has been a continuing
pleasure to work for you, the people of New Zealand as a Member of
Parliament and I look forward to continuing to do so as we head into
what will be a big year in 2023.
Many of us use this time of year to take some time to contemplate
on our achievements, challenges, and the future. The summer break is
always a good time to think about what lies on the road ahead. For me,
I am especially grateful for the encouragement of my family and
friends for the late nights, postponed catch ups, and constant
support. You all make a world of difference in grounding me.
This Christmas season families around New Zealand will have lost
loved ones here at home or abroad. This will be the first Christmas
without them, and we all know how important it is to ensure their
memories and the memory of their love for us carries on through the
seasons. This will also be a magical time for family reunions,
re-connection with friends and visits to childhood homes or other
special places to connect with our history. If you are travelling
overseas this summer, please remember to check the Safe
Travel advice website and make appropriate plans to protect your
It's been a really demanding year for everyone. Our hospitality
sector will be looking forward to bright skies and happy customers
amidst festive drinks and dining. Our wider business sectors will be
deserving a well-earned break after the challenges they have all
faced. With inflation continuing to impact food prices I know many
families will be tightening their belts while still working to make
sure this Holiday season remains a magical one for their young
families. If you are doing it tough this Christmas please make sure to
reach out for support from services like 1737,
Family Services, Connected
or Lifeline.
For the Summer shutdown period with Parliament rising in
Mid-December my office will begin closing from 22 December and reopen
in late January so everyone can have a much-deserved break. If you
have anything urgent during this time, please message
us via Facebook and we'll do our best to respond as office emails
and phones won’t be regularly monitored during this time.
This summer and new year season will see fun times on beaches,
great weekends in our local parks and brilliant nights out under the
stars. I hope you all get the opportunity to spend this special time
of year with your family, friends and loved ones.
To everyone around Auckland and across New Zealand I hope you all
have a safe and enjoyable break.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and have a wonderful 2023!

RNZ/TVNZ Mega Merger Update
The National Caucus have been hammering the Government over it's
wasteful spending plans that could see upwards of $6+ billion spent on
the merger of RNZ and TVNZ into ANZPM, Aotearoa
New Zealand Public Media. Incredibly respected leaders from New
Zealand have come out in opposition to this Bill saying it is unsafe
and would be detrimental to not just our media landscape, but our
democratic values as New Zealanders.
Now we are hearing rumors thanks to Minister
Jackson's train-wreck of an interview to promote the plan earlier
this month, followed by an abysmal performance in the House
last week, the Prime
Minister is considering re-thinking the mega merger!
I'm cautious, but optimistic the Government will finally see reason
and halt this merger no one has asked for and New Zealand doesn't
We are in a cost of living crisis, prices are soaring and many are
struggling. A mega media merger is the last thing New Zealand needs
right now.
Tell me what you

In memory of Janak Patel
The whole nation stopped in shock and mourning as after months of
violent assaults, burglaries and ram-raids a violent killing
occurred in Sandringham, the cultural heart of the Prime Minister's
own electorate of Mt Albert.
Alongside other community leaders I mourn this violent and
unacceptable tragedy that has left behind a widow and heartbroken
The funeral, the vigils, the protests and the marches in the
aftermath of this appalling event have made one thing very clear, more
must be done to sop the violent crime and to keep our communities
Not one more life should be lost to crime.
Now that arrests have been made and before the courts, our justice
system will take it's course.
If you have any further information about the incident you can
contact police using this
link, calling 105 and citing 221123/3847 or, if you want to be
anonymous, you can contact Crime Stoppers NZ on 0800 555 111
Rest in peace Janak.

Auckland Office
As mentioned above my teams in Auckland and Wellington will be
taking a well deserved break after the House rises on Wednesday
Evening with my offices being fully closed by 22 December; they will
gradually re-open from Mid January.
If you have an urgent inquiry you can reach out via
Facebook Messenger and we'll do our best to respond as soon as
possible. Please note our office phone-lines, emails and mail are not
be actively monitored over this period.
From Matt, Tao, Jo and the entire office team
Have a great Summer Break!


Melissa Lee
National List MP based in
Authorised by Melissa Lee Parliament Buildings,