Dear Friends of Life,

Yesterday, as we honored Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and Patroness of the Unborn, the CA Future of Abortion Council released an updated list of recommendations to prioritize and expand abortion even further. 

The first list of recommendations was released last year on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. For Catholics, these connections cannot go without notice. 

At this moment, CA needs a reawakening to the joy of life. While the CA Future of Abortion Council can only see violence and death as a solution to the challenges of women and families, the Bishops of CA envision a future that honors and serves women, children, and families

We invite you to three actions this Advent to honor the infant Jesus and his Mother, and to build a life-affirming future for CA families:

1. Send a note to your legislator, stating that you oppose the priorities of the CA Future of Abortion Council and support a future for CA that prioritizes strong, healthy families: 

We oppose increased tax-dollar funding for abortion. Already $200+ million was allocated in last year’s budget to fund abortion, abortion access, and the abortion workforce. We ask legislators to stop funding more abortion. Instead, we support prioritizing prenatal and postpartum health, reducing maternal mortality rates, and supporting the health of children throughout their lives.

We support Catholic and other religiously-affiliated hospitals and health systems. Catholic hospitals in CA provide one-third of the MediCal births and serve one-seventh of all patients, including many patients in the most underserved regions of our state.

We support community-based pregnancy resource centers and clinics. These local providers support women throughout pregnancy and beyond, helping at-risk women and families access housing, domestic violence resources, prenatal care, parenting classes, nutrition, baby items, and more.

2. Sign up for the We Were Born Ready campaign to learn how you can support pregnant and parenting families in your community.

3. Download and pray with the Our Lady of Guadalupe prayer card below. 

At the very heart of our faith is the mystery of the Word conceived in the womb of a young woman. Jesus chose to become man, to be born an infant, and to grace his mother with freedom from sin from the moment of her conception. Our faith teaches us to value the gift of every human life from the very beginning to the end—and, like Our Lady of Guadalupe, to spread the message of the joy of life to all those we meet.


Save the Date: January 12th to 20th for Novena for Life