Currents | We Fight for Clean Water.
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December 2022
Groups at COP27 Warn of Severe Climate and Human Rights Risks of New Hydropower Dams

A global river and human rights coalition, including Waterkeeper Alliance called on governments and financiers at the United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference (COP27) to end financial support for new hydropower projects due to climate and human rights risks.

Waterkeepers Chesapeake Meet in Pennsylvania for Regional Summit

In late October, Waterkeepers from the Chesapeake region gathered at the Capital Retreat Center in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania to convene and learn from one another. 25 participants represented Waterkeeper groups from three states and D.C.

Dive Into Democracy: 2022 Year In Review

Through our Dive Into Democracy blog and email series, we informed and engaged our U.S. audience about the most pressing clean water issues of the day. In 2022, more than 32,000 people took over 73,000 actions to protect our most valuable natural resource.

Estero Salado Waterkeeper’s Efforts to Protect Waterway Arrives at COP27

Estero Salado Waterkeeper’s efforts to protect and restore the waters of the Estero Salado — the main saltwater estuary running through the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador — received special attention at a COP27 side event.

Bocas de Ceniza Waterkeeper and the Tough Path to Environmental Justice in Colombia

Colombia is a diverse country with rich natural heritage, but it is also one of the world's most inequitable countries. Bocas de Ceniza Waterkeeper is working to secure environmental justice for all of Colombia by pressing for supportive legislation at the national level.

Monitoring Water Quality With Loreto Coastkeeper

Since the beginning of the program, Loreto Coastkeeper has provided reliable data illustrating the impact of microbiological contamination on waters in Loreto Bay National Park.


Who is Waterkeeper?

"Clean water is such a huge part of a healthy ecosystem and a healthy landscape. It’s important to people, it’s important to animals. It’s important to the overall health of the earth.”

Long time conservationist Melinda Booth has been the Yuba River Waterkeeper since 2018, but parent organization South Yuba River Citizens League has been keeping the Yuba "wild and scenic" since 1983 — pushing for deadbeat dam removal, mitigating tourism impacts, and helping restore the natural habitat.

Learn more about Melinda.

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(212) 747-0622 | [email protected]

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180 Maiden Lane, Suite 603 
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[email protected]

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Waterkeeper Alliance, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with Top-Rated status on Charity Watch, a Four Star Charity rating from Charity Navigator, and Platinum Participant status on GuideStar.