I’m sharing a piece of feedback we received: “Hebron was the most emotionally intense moment that I’ve had in this job. No one walked away not feeling outraged, no matter their personal politics before the trip or the orientation of their office.”
J Street


Every year, the J Street Education Fund takes Members of Congress and their staff to Israel and the West Bank on experiences that participants have called “life-changing”.

We aim to deliver a comprehensive, no-holds-barred examination of Israel’s security challenges, the occupation and the settlement movement -- and the impact all this has on the lives and freedoms of everyday Israelis and Palestinians.

Today, with their permission, I’m sharing a piece of feedback from a congressional staffer who joined our most recent trip which included a tour of the divided, occupied city of Hebron. I think it demonstrates the profound impact these trips can have:

“Hebron was the most emotionally intense moment that I’ve had in this job. No one walked away not feeling outraged, no matter their personal politics before the trip or the orientation of their office.”

Your support ensures that leaders in Washington -- even those who can’t join us in the region -- understand the reality on the ground and the threat that indefinite occupation poses to Palestinian freedoms, our values and Israel’s democratic future.

Friends -- As we near our End-of-Year Fundraising Deadline, would you consider a final 2022 contribution to support this vital work? Every contribution strengthens our advocacy >>

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Our visits to the city of Hebron -- home to 200,000 Palestinians, 800 settlers and over 1,000 soldiers -- are among  the most emotionally taxing moments for me as well.

For myself and many other Jews, Muslims and Christians, Hebron is one of the holiest cities in the Middle East. It’s the resting place of important Jewish patriarchs and matriarchs and carries a tremendous amount of religious significance, which is why it’s so painful to see what it has become.

With checkpoints, razor-wire, gates and guns, the very sharpest edges of the occupation, injustice and hostility are on full display. It carries the painful, recent history of horrific massacres inflicted by Jewish and Arab perpetrators. 

On our trips we’re often shadowed, yelled at and intimidated. Last trip, a settler hit me square in the chest with a full cup of coffee.

Photos of Hebron showing the occupation

While some would rather hide the occupation and ignore the settlement movement, at J Street we know that those who are truly pro-Israel cannot afford to look away. 

“One of my greatest takeaways is that to be pro-Israel is to be in favor of recognizing, understanding and dealing with the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians,” Rep.  Madeleine Dean told Jewish Insider after joining one of our trips earlier this year. “A failure to deal with that only jeopardizes the security of Israel.”

Indeed, Hebron demonstrates not only the injustice and humiliation that the occupation inflicts on Palestinians, but the danger faced by thousands of young Israelis who are sent to guard settlements, checkpoints and outposts and uphold a deeply unjust, unequal system of military control.

Perpetual conflict, perpetual settlement construction and perpetual occupation bring misery and pain to both Israeli and Palestinian families.

Friends -- Your contribution of any amount this December funds our advocacy. With your support, we will continue to press our leaders to act with determination, commitment and compassion to end this cycle of violence and injustice. 

Please consider an end of year contribution to strengthen our movement today >>

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Yours sincerely, 

Cooper Boyar
Associate Director for Congressional Education, J Street

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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