![]() Patriot, It’s been a hectic day in Washington, with the latest reports indicating Congress plans to pass a one-week spending bill just to push the deadline to prevent a partial and minor government shutdown back another week. Instead of having until Friday the 16th to make a deal, Congress will have until December 23 . . . unless they delay another week when most Americans will be celebrating the holidays and won’t have their attention on Washington, D.C. We’re also hearing House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) wants to oppose any omnibus spending deal until Republicans take the majority in January on the premise the new majority will cut spending. . . We shall see. These may be encouraging signs, but in Washington, it ain’t over ‘til it’s over. And in reality, it’s never over: they’re just buying time. Whether they reach a deal next week or next month, the fight will continue, and sooner or later, they’re going to pass a budget deal. It’s just a question of how much of the worst of it we can hold off. But we will be able to hold off more if the budget battle drags into next year. The Democrats are losing power in the House of Representatives. And they haven’t been shy about wanting to cement the legacy of Nancy Pelosi with some big spending in the closing weeks of her speakership. Just consider what items are on the table right now: >>> $38 billion more for Ukraine. This is on top of the tens of billions we the taxpayers have
already squandered in Ukraine, perpetuating our proxy war that has devastated the country and does nothing to actually help the Ukrainian people. >>> Billions more for the IRS. The government already funded the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents this year in the falsely named “Inflation Reduction Act.” Now they will want even more money to harass American taxpayers and extract your money with deadly force. >>> The Electoral Count Reform Act, which would prohibit state legislatures from choosing their slate of electors and transfer that power to governors. This is in violation of the U.S. Constitution, which specifies that the state legislatures shall direct the manner of appointing electors. >>> Funding drag shows in Ecuador. And there are plenty of earmarks for even more radical left-wing ideology in the bill. If we can keep the budget battle at bay until next year, there’s a good chance we can defeat at least three of these four things. But just like the recent NDAA, the 4,008-page bill outlining the Pentagon’s priorities for the year that wasn’t made public until two days before a vote, we haven’t seen a budget bill yet. So who knows what is hidden in this omnibus bill? About all we know for sure is it will exceed last year’s $1.5
TRILLION package. Reports indicate the current budget bill will grant millions to left-wing non-government organizations and institutions. $1.2 million would go to “LGBTQIA+ Pride Centers” and another $1.2 million to “Dreamer Resource Centers” at the University of San Diego. $3 million would go to the “American LGBTQ+ Museum.” $477,000 would be granted to the “Equity Institute” to “work directly with schools, organizations, and communities to develop and implement antiracist strategies to advance equitable learning outcomes for all students.” $2 million would go to the “Great Blacks in Wax” museum in Baltimore. Retiring Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) even had the gall to request $1.6 million for the Leahy Center, named after himself. Perhaps these pet projects are all good and fine, if the citizens in those communities want them, but they are not projects your taxpayer dollars should ever be funding. Additionally, the spending bill would grant $3 million for water infrastructure in a part of Alaska that is so sparsely populated that the $3 million appropriation is the equivalent of $44,000 per resident. Sounds like the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere” all over again. And nobody knows what else they’ll slip in there. An “assault” weapons ban that Joe Biden is calling for . . . or some other gun-grabbing scheme? Sources say an assault weapons ban is unlikely . . . but remember, weak Republicans have betrayed our Second Amendment rights before . . . and not long ago. Remember, Republican Senators Marco Rubio (FL), James Lankford (OK), Susan Collins (ME), and Pat Toomey (PA) cosponsored legislation to open criminal investigations into 100% of background check denials as a stand-alone bill, even though government studies show 9 out of 10 times these denials are false positives. Many of these “Republican in Name Only” senators voted to confirm the anti-Second Amendment Merrick Garland for Attorney General last year (Blunt, Capito, Collins, Cornyn, Ernst, Graham, Grassley, McConnell, Moran, Murkowski, Portman, and Thune). Patriot, we will need to monitor this spending bill every day, hour by hour, to prevent statist goodies and attacks on our constitutional rights from being quietly slipped into the bill. With massive spending bills like these, the situation is always extremely fluid, so please expect critical action alerts this week and next week. And since Congress has a track record of dropping bills like this monstrosity on us in the middle of the night with little time to react before they vote . . . You and I MUST stay vigilant to the very end of this session. Can we count on your support today to help us mobilize patriots, on an emergency basis if necessary, to push back against the worst aspects of the spending bill? We had some success on the National Defense Authorization Act last week. After fighting for weeks, we were able to prevent a Digital ID proposal, a stepping stone to a Central Bank Digital Currency, from being incorporated into the NDAA. We also got a provision to expose women to the military draft removed. And while we fought for a total BAN on military vaccine mandates, we were able to pass a repeal on the current mandate. We’ll continue to fight to remove the most odious aspects from the upcoming spending bill this week. Please chip in a generous contribution if you can, to help us close out this year with another victory. Can we count on your support of $100, or even $50 or $25? This could be the last battle of 2022. Let’s finish strong! Thanks for all you do, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Congress is scrambling to pass this massive “omnibus” budget scheme, but with enough pushback from We the People, we can expose and remove some of its most odious provisions. If you support the important work Campaign for Liberty does to expose, fight, and defeat this statist scheme and so many more, please support Campaign for Liberty with a contribution. Whether you can contribute $1,000 or $100 … $500 or $50, $100 or or $25, these reckless spending schemes will harm us all. So please contribute what you can afford. Thank you so much! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |
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