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Don't forget to register for tomorrow's webinar so that we can save you a spot.

We want to bring you the stories of the incredible people, organizations, and work that was done to help us have such a great year. So join the FairVote staff on Wednesday, December 14, at 4:00 p.m. (EST). We will be speaking with Rep. Leger Fernández (NM), Cliff Albright, and Stan Lockhart to bring you the story of RCV and voting reform in 2022. We will provide insight into how 2022 brought so many wins to the movement and how we are planning to build upon this incredible momentum!

It's been a truly remarkable year for ranked choice voting (RCV) - with trailblazing uses in Alaska, a new round of advocacy wins in state legislatures and on the ballot, and a growing appreciation of just how it can help achieve better elections for all. And it's not over yet; since the November elections, we've seen:
  1. A growing number of states where legislators are planning RCV legislation, with a particularly compelling case for states using RCV for presidential primaries
  2. Serious discussion in Congress of ranked choice voting for internal caucus elections and legislation that could advance RCV
  3. The first ranked choice voting election for city council in Burlington, Vermont  - one of seven states where its largest city has passed RCV
  4. Redondo Beach, California putting RCV on its March 2023 ballot in the wake of major ballot measure wins across the nation
Did you know that in 2022…
  • Over 3 million people had access to RCV ballots. (And nearly 700,000 people had access to RCV ballots for the first time this year!)
  • There were 106 elections that used RCV ballots.
  • Voters in 7 jurisdictions voted to adopt RCV.
We can share more incredible stats and stories with you tomorrow. Register here.

See you soon!