Democrats received glowing headlines for their midterm performance, so it’s easy to forget: Republicans will take over the House in January.
Though the margins are smaller, it’s a bit of deja vu for Social Security Works since we were founded to fight back against the “Grand Bargain” that President Obama hoped to strike with the Republican Congress after the 2010 midterms. We can’t let President Biden make the same mistake that Obama did.
Sign this message to President Biden: Don’t give away our Social Security & Medicare in a “Grand Bargain” with Kevin McCarthy!
Bipartisanship isn’t decided by politicians; it’s determined by the people. And even if Washington politicians like Rick Scott, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, and Kevin McCarthy want our earned benefits destroyed, their voters don’t.
More than 75% of the Republican House caucus signed on to the Republican Study Committee Budget, which proposes:
Increasing the retirement age for Social Security
Increasing the eligibility age for Medicare
Converting Medicaid from a guaranteed benefit to a block grant leading to millions of people losing insurance
Enacting a closed-door commission, similar to Mitt Romney’s TRUST Act, to slash Social Security and Medicare benefits further
$1.9 trillion in tax cuts, in addition to the Trump tax scam!
This isn’t the basis for compromise. Tell President Biden to listen to the people, not Republican politicians in Washington, and you will work to ensure that these MAGA extremists will only hold the majority for two years.
Alex Lawson Social Security Works