Dear John,
As someone that was diagnosed as autistic at the age of 2, I felt out of place in the world. I couldn’t fit in with anyone. Then I found the Autistic Self Advocacy Network.
This summer, I attended ASAN’s Autism Campus Inclusion (ACI) Leadership Academy. It teaches autistic students how to make their college campuses more accessible and inclusive for disabled people. It was such an incredible experience, and I loved discovering the joy of networking with other autistic people.
Being involved with ASAN has helped me find my voice and connect with many extraordinary individuals. Their books and resources have molded me as an activist. As I transitioned to adulthood I followed the Roadmap, and now I am Navigating College as a self-advocate. Since ACI, I have been a full time student at the University of Illinois at Chicago, started my YouTube channel and recently got a job as an activity assistant.
Your support enables the Autistic Self Advocacy Network to run programs like ACI, providing education and support to autistic activists like me. I’m super excited to see more cool things to come next year. I am proud to keep working alongside ASAN. Please consider helping ASAN’s incredible work continue via a monetary donation or sharing their resources with others.
May the following year bring us joy,
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
PO Box 66122
Washington, DC 20035
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