anti-state • anti-war • pro-market
Friday, January 10th, 2020

Iraqi PM Reveals Soleimani Was on Peace Mission When Assassinated, Exploding Trump’s Lie of ‘Imminent Attacks’

Article by Max Blumenthal.

Tired of the Media’s Pentagon Spin?

Lee Camp outlines 6 things you aren’t being told about the US assassination of Soleimani.

Top 10 Warmongering Ideas of the Day

Article by Michael Shedlock.

Pompeo’s Gulf Of Tonkin Incident

Article by Gareth Porter.

Not So Shocking Report: Record Number of Guns Sold As Dems Vow To Disintegrate Rights

Article by Mac Slavo.

The Deeper Story Behind the Assassination of Soleimani

Article by Federico Pieraccini.

Full-Scale War Is Avoided and Trump Goes Right Back to Warmongering

Article by Caitlin Johnstone.

The Difference Between a Whistleblower and a Rat

Article by Doug Casey.

Glacier National Park Removes ‘Glaciers Gone by 2020’ Signs

Article bY James Delingpole.

The War Pigs Are Finally Revealing Themselves – And This Is Just The Beginning

Article by Brandon Smith.

Progressive Eco-Group Admits It: Renewable Energy Is a Hoax That Benefits its Greenie Elmer Gantries like Al Gore

Article by John Eidson.

The Culture War Comes to the Old Dominion

Article by Patrick J. Buchanan.

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