Dear Friend,

The NCOSE Vision for a World Without Sexual Exploitation 

NCOSE exists to build a world where people can live and love free of sexual abuse and exploitation. 

We catalyze the movement to accomplish this through litigation, research, corporate accountability, policy, international advocacy (the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation – ICOSE), and communications. As a result, we are seeing culture-changing results because we strike directly at the root of the problem and are not afraid to go after the sexual exploiters and their corporate profiteers. 

To achieve our vision for a free world, we focus on achieving the following objectives: 


1. Dismantling the Pornography Infrastructure and Make Porn Unacceptable in Society

2. Ending Sex Trafficking, Prostitution, and All Exploitation by Challenging Sex Buyers

3. ​Demanding a Safer Internet so Youth can Connect, Learn, Love, and Thrive 

Thank YOU for helping us to achieve great progress this year towards these audacious goals!! 

Please skim some of our recent victories here!  

Help us keep up the momentum with a tax-deductible gift that will be TRIPLED if you give online here!  



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