
This month a prideful nation celebrated the Apollo 11 Moon mission. It’s been 50 years since astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins lifted off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and made history.

Just eight years earlier, in 1961, President John F. Kennedy made a bold claim that an American would walk on the moon by the end of the decade. Armstrong and Aldrin did just that.

Today, we face a similarly audacious challenge when it comes to addressing climate change. The climate crisis is our greatest challenge and we must commit to solving it. But we need to think big. We did that when President Kennedy said we’d go to the moon and I’m confident we have what it takes to do that now when it comes to climate change. After all, innovation is what America does best.

Some may think this is too big or complex of an issue to solve, but this country has the imagination and ingenuity to solve the climate crisis — but we must act now.

I have discussed the climate crisis issue on the Senate floor on numerous occasions, sponsored bills to reduce carbon emissions and modernize our energy infrastructure, and brought the issue to the forefront of the Presidential debates by writing to top officials at NBC.

With the second round of presidential debates this week, I am disturbed by how little climate change is being discussed. Voters deserve a vigorous and thorough debate with detailed answers from the candidates.

I’m thankful that CNN decided to take climate change seriously and host a town hall. But, the DNC is not involved and they need to be. Our public demands are being heard, and the CNN town hall is a good step forward, but we need a DNC-hosted climate debate.

If you agree with me, I’m asking you to make your voice heard. We need to put pressure on the DNC to address these concerns by making climate change a central issue in the primary process. I would appreciate it if you could click here and add your name to my petition now:

Thank you,






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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125