We are so proud to share Future Without Violence’s 2022 Impact Report - Going Boldly Forward. We could not have made so much progress without supporters like you. Email not displaying correctly?
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Dear John,

What does this moment demand of us? In a year like 2022, this question called for a bold response. Hate and gun violence surged and the pandemic left so many families struggling.

Our answer at FUTURES has been bold action – and an unflagging belief that we can build a violence-free world.

I am so proud to share with you our 2022 Impact Report. This year, we:

  • Pioneered groundbreaking research that showed for the first time that 8 in 10 teens who experience dating violence also report financial abuse
  • Unlocked with partners more than $2 billion in public funds for programs that prevent violence, provide economic supports, and help survivors heal in the U.S. and internationally
  • Equipped thousands of first responders across healthcare, education, legal systems and more, to reach survivors with lifesaving support​​​​​​
  • Launched with partners a first of its kind national network of mental health responders embedded in the activities young people love – like sports, video games and mentoring
  • Continued our track record of financial excellence, receiving the highest possible marks from charity watchdog groups like Charity Navigator - 4 out of 4 stars for over a decade and counting (fewer than 5% of charities share that distinction).

We could not have made such critical progress without the bold support of partners like you! 

As you check out our new Impact Report, I hope you will consider a gift to Futures Without Violence -- helping us to continue this lifesaving work.


With your help, we will continue to meet this moment with an unwavering commitment to a future without violence for all of us.
With deepest gratitude from all of us at FUTURES, 
Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President

P.S. You can make a gift in honor of a survivor or inspirational loved one here.


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