Protect the Salmon River, treaty rights, and wildlife!

Dear John,

A mining company wants to dig a massive cyanide-leach gold mine on public lands at the headwaters of the Salmon River, one of the most cherished and economically important rivers in the west.  

The company is pitching it as a ‘restoration project’ because it plans to clean up some old mine waste along the way. The reality is that the proposed Stibnite mine is a massive industrial mining operation that will result in lasting damage to water, fish and wildlife, and conflict with treaty rights held by the Nez Perce Tribe. 

The Forest Service is asking for public comment. 

Tell the Forest Service to reject this harmful mine plan and protect the Salmon River watershed from cyanide-leach gold mining! 

In solidarity,

Bonnie Gestring
Northwest Program Director, Earthworks  |  Make a Donation

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