5 Answers to Critical Race Theory

From the Desk of Dr. Ben Carson:


Racial tensions have certainly been on the rise in recent years. And unfortunately, it has led to a growing divide in America.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Many of the arguments made in support of ideas like Critical Race Theory (CRT) ignore reality. They promote victimhood and perpetuate the divide that has already gripped our nation. We all need to push back against these divisive and harmful beliefs.

To better equip you, we’ve created a new eBook that provides answers to many of the “questions” that those promoting CRT like to use. Please get your copy of 5 Answers to Critical Race Theory.

I’m emailing because I really want to make sure that you get your free copy today.

5 Answers to Critical Race Theory

Inside, you’ll learn some of the history and solutions to

  • Racial disparities of the wealth gap
  • Criminal justice biases
  • And housing issues

We also take some time to provide common sense, conservative solutions to many of the issues related to the racial divide in America.

Please be sure to get your free copy of this important eBook right now. I really think you’ll find the information valuable.

You can access it using this secure link:


Dr. Ben Carson
Founder & Chairman
American Cornerstone Institute

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