2022 has been a big year for Positive Money. From exposing the root causes of the housing crisis, calling out politicians' cosy relationship with big banks to hundreds of media mentions - together we’ve been working hard on our mission to reimagine our money and banking system for the wellbeing of people, communities and our planet. [1]
Positive Money relies on donations to do what we do - so we’ll cut to the chase John. In 2023, we need more money to ramp up the pressure on the people in power. We're making steady progress with our work by doing groundbreaking research, media interviews, viral videos and bringing more young people into our movement - but we need money to expand our work and win change faster.
So we’re asking for just one thing this Christmas. If 1000 supporters of Positive Money reading this email made a one-off donation today, we could enter 2023 with confidence we’ve got the funds we need to run powerful campaigns that will bring us closer to our vision.
Our movement is built on people power - unlike the big banks we run on a small budget and the support of people who share our vision. Over the last twelve months, on average our supporters donated £11. John, please will you help us win more money and power for communities in 2023 by chipping in £10 now?
Positive Money was founded back in 2010 and we’ve come a long way since then, thanks to the belief and generosity of our supporters. Our office team has grown to 14 staff, our research has been making headlines (we’ve had nearly 140 media mentions in 2022 alone!), and we’ve built alliances and a big online following. All helping shift the boundaries of mainstream economics away from growth and towards wellbeing.
Over the summer, we stood with striking RMT workers and spoke with hundreds of young people at our Glastonbury Festival stall. [2]. And just last month we launched the 2022 Green Central Banking Scorecard and our first educational TikTok video - 20,000 people watched it! (Look out for more updates in our winter newsletter - coming soon). [3]
We have a vision for a fairer, more democratic and more sustainable future: where everyone can access safe and affordable housing and live a good life. Where public money is used to create well-paid green jobs and excellent public services - not handouts for big banks. [4]
John, with more donations from supporters like you, we can share more research and educational videos, build more alliances, challenge more politicians in the media, and move closer to an economic system that works for all of us.
We know more people are struggling this winter so we’re only asking to give if you can, John. By thousands of us coming together, all our efforts can add up to make a big difference. If you can, please will you make a donation now so we can build more momentum in 2023?
Thanks for all that you do
Nicole, Positive Money
Positive Money relies on donations from generous individuals like you to carry out our research, education work and campaign for a fairer money and banking system. Please will you make a secure donation now so together we can win sooner?