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NEW | WILL Report Argues that Colleges are Responsible for the Student Loan Crisis

WILL issued a new report, Bang for the Buck-y: How to Direct Students Towards Degrees That Will Improve Wisconsin’s Workforce. The report explains how degree choice can have a significant effect on the lifetime earnings of college students, and their ability to pay back their student loans. This report argues that all post-secondary institutions—from beauty schools to four-year colleges—must do more to make students informed of the costs and benefits of degrees they are considering.   

🗯 WILL Research Director, Will Flanders, PhD, stated, “There is a substantial disconnect between the degrees that Wisconsin’s college students select and the workforce needs of the state. This means that many graduates must either leave the state, or enter careers that do not provide a positive return on investment. This is a huge contributor to the student loan crisis seen nationally, and Wisconsin’s colleges and universities must do their part to address this crisis.”

📉 For infographics and visual explanations that depict various conceptions of the lifetime Return on Investment at Wisconsin colleges and universities, go to

📺 Watch our explainer video here.

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NEW | WILL Report Shows How Laws and Regulation Add to WI Housing Prices

WILL issued a new report, Priced Out of House and Home: How Laws and Regulation Add to Housing Prices in WisconsinThe report examines the ways in which government regulation has contributed to the rising cost of home prices in Wisconsin. The report makes recommendations for both state and local policy makers to remove barriers to the development of more affordable market-rate housing. 

🗯 WILL Policy Director, Kyle Koenen, said, “Arbitrary government regulations that restrict property rights and depress the supply of affordable, market-rate housing options are pricing more and more families out of their version of the American dream. Policymakers at all levels of government should work to remove unnecessary barriers that contribute to the growing costs of homes nationwide.” 

📉 For interactive visuals of house unaffordability and minimum lot sizes throughout the state, go to

📺 Watch our explainer video here.

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JOB OPENING | Communications Director

WILL is looking to hire a Director of Communications. The Communications Director is responsible for managing and executing all public campaigns associated with WILL lawsuits, policy research, and legislative initiatives.

💼 Learn more about the job opening here!

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OPINION | "My home was vandalized, and I was harassed just for speaking out on gender issues."

WILL Client, Marissa Darlingh, wrote in Fox News about our lawsuit against the Milwaukee Public Schools over her First Amendment rights. “As an educator and a mental health professional, I feel it is my duty to say something when I see forces at play that threaten the well-being of my students. My choice to speak out, while not planned or scripted or even very well thought out, was informed by my years of careful research, writing, thinking and discussion of radical feminism and the role that gender plays in the oppression of women and girls."

⚖️ Learn more about this lawsuit here!

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The work we do would not be possible without the generosity of our donors; we are a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization that receives no public funds. As a non-profit and non-partisan organization, we litigate in the areas of equality under the law, property rights, the freedom to earn a living, voting rights, regulation, taxation, school choice, and religious freedom. As an educational organization, we strive to advance the debate concerning law and public policy in these and other areas.

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