Here's the truth: The student debt crisis disproportionately impacts Black people and families across the entire country. It's only getting worse by the day.
John, that's why we are so excited to announce the launch of our Student Solidarity Fund – something dedicated to our Black students, alumni, and families.
The first wave of the fund is now live. If you completed some college credit toward an undergraduate degree or already graduated and completed your undergraduate degree, this application is for you. APPLY NOW >>
When Black students attend some of the most sought out colleges and universities, they end up with three times the amount of debt as their white peers. Tuition gets more expensive by the year.
This is all in addition to the very real and present racial pay gap. Restricted access to college planning, along with racial disparities in income, homeownership, and wealth accumulation all play a huge role in how Black people are particularly burdened as a result of this student debt crisis.
This is why it's so critical that we show up for the countless Black people who have given their all toward an education. Time and again, Black people are forced to grapple with the legacies of slavery and white supremacy, which have been woven into systems that are supposed to advance us. The student debt crisis is exactly that.
Unfortunately, circumstances may have prevented people from finishing their degree. But that doesn't get rid of debt, and we wanted to be sure that those folks have an opportunity to help get rid of some of their debt through our fund as well. That's why this first wave is dedicated to
those who completed some college credit toward an undergraduate degree or already graduated and completed your undergraduate degree. If this is you, apply to the first wave of the Student Solidarity Fund now >>
In love and solidarity,
Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation
P.S. The student debt crisis is disproportionately impacting Black families across the country. If you're a Black person with education debt of any kind,
take a quick moment and share your student debt story with us.