MSNBC: Ginni Thomas “has a lot of criminal liability”
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Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni Thomas, needs to be arrested IMMEDIATELY.

Ginni pressed lawmakers to overthrow Joe Biden’s victory and illegally install Donald Trump as President.

Treason is punishable by prison. We need 100,000 Signatures by 11:59PM tonight to build pressure to arrest Ginni Thomas and FINALLY bring her to justice.

Sign the Petition: Arrest Ginni Thomas for trying to overthrow the government >>
Clarence and Ginni Thomas

MSNBC: Ginni Thomas “has a lot of criminal liability”

“She could be charged with obstruction of an official proceeding. She could be charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States Government.” [1]

MSNBC Committee seeks testimony from Ginni Thomas
MSNBC: Morning Joe - June 20, 2022.

Ginni Thomas could face numerous potential charges in connection with January 6th.

The law is crystal clear: If you try to overthrow the government, you need to go to JAIL.

Sign the Petition: Arrest Ginni Thomas for
trying to overthrow the government >>

Remember – The Washington Post reported: Ginni Thomas “pressed lawmakers to overturn Joe Biden’s 2020 victory not only in Arizona, as previously reported, but also in a second battleground state, Wisconsin, according to emails obtained under state public-records law.” [2]

THAT’S TREASON! Ginni Thomas's actions demonstrate a clear intent to undermine the 2020 Election and illegally install Donald Trump as President.

Sign the Petition: Arrest Ginni Thomas NOW >>

We think the case is AIRTIGHT.

  • Ginni Thomas openly advocated to overthrow the government.
  • Attempting to overthrow the government is a clear violation of the law.
  • Treason is a serious crime that carries severe penalties, including imprisonment.
  • Ginni Thomas's actions show a blatant disregard for the rule of law and the Constitution.
  • Her behavior is a threat to our democratic institutions and must be dealt with accordingly.

Do Not Forget: Ginni Thomas is a person of enormous power. Her husband is a Supreme Court Justice and hears cases that can have sweeping impacts on elections – even cases involving the January 6th Insurrection.

Ginni is corrupt. She has engaged in illegal activity. She presents a clear and present danger to the United States Government.

Enough is enough! It’s time to Imprison Ginni Thomas and keep our country safe!

We need 100,000 Signatures by 11:59PM to build enough pressure on law enforcement to arrest Ginni Thomas. Will you add your name?

Sign the Petition: Arrest Ginni Thomas for
trying to overthrow the government >>

- Progressive Turnout Project

[1] MSNBC: Morning Joe. “Could Ginni Thomas face 'criminal liability'?” June 20, 2022.
[2] Washington Post: “Ginni Thomas pressed Wisconsin lawmakers to overturn Biden’s 2020 victory” Sept. 1, 2022.

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Ch‌icago, I‌L 6‌06‌06
Paid for by Progressive Turnout Project and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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