Submit a letter ASAP and tell the Labor Dept. that it is time to protect millions of workers from misclassification!

Hi Friend,?


We come to you with an urgent request. The Department of Labor (DOL) is working to finalize a rule that would more clearly define a worker as either an employee or an independent contractor under the Fair Labor Standards Act. DOL may adopt this rule as soon as TOMORROW, December 13, so there is no time to delay!


Before DOL adopts the new rules, please submit a comment to the DOL and let them know how critical it is that we end misclassification and provide protections to those who qualify.


For too long, confusing rules allowed employers to misclassify workers as contractors, stripping workers of protections under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Now, the Labor Department seeks to change that.


The new rule ensures better guidance and would eliminate a Trump-era rule that made it far easier to misclassify workers. We only have?one more day to let DOL know where we stand on the new rule.


We've made it easy for you to submit a comment. Click any of the links that take you to the submission page and you will find more information about the proposed rule and a sample comment that you can edit (though please feel free to write your own comment).?


Support workers. End misclassification. Submit a comment TODAY.


Thanks for everything you do.



Jobs With Justice