Modern Rifle Ban FAQ
MCRGO has received a large amount of member questions over the past week about House Bill 6544 and two companion bills introduced at the beginning of the month that would ban most modern rifles. This FAQ is intended to address the most common questions.

Q. Is there any chance of this legislation passing?

A. This is no chance of this legislation passing this year. Republicans still control both the Michigan House and Michigan Senate until midnight on January 1, 2023. All currently introduced bills die when the Michigan Legislature formally adjourns the final week of December. The Michigan Legislature ended its lame duck session this past week. No bills will be voted on before the new year.

Q. Will this legislation pass next session?

A. The behavior of the Michigan Legislature is always difficult to predict. Michigan is heading into uncharted waters as it is the first time Democrats have full control of state government in 40 years. The sponsor of HB 6544 is term limited and will not be returning to Lansing in January. No other legislators signed on to the bills as co-sponsors. It's likely that a different legislator will introduce similar bills next session. However Governor Whitmer has not included a modern rifle ban on her to-do list for gun control. A modern rifle ban such as HB 6544 is extreme even for many legislators who are not strong advocates of the Second Amendment.

Q. Wouldn't a modern rifle ban be found unconstitutional?

A. Some gun owners cite recent pro 2A United States Supreme Court decisions (Heller, McDonald, Bruen) as form of magic shield against any gun control legislation. The scope of these opinions, while clearly in our favor, is not as unlimited as some like to believe. Lawsuits are always risky and take many years, even if successful. Unlike the Michigan Attorney General who has access to public funds, state gun groups do not have unlimited resources to spend on litigation. Even the national firearms groups are limited in what they can respond to, and must choose cases carefully. Currently, all of MCRGO's available legal resources are going to the ongoing suit against the University of Michigan's gun ban. You can donateĀ HERE.

Q. What is MCRGO doing about it? What can we do about it?

A. Immediately after the election, MCRGO's leadership began strategy sessions with allied firearms organizations to address the switch in legislative control that will occur next month. While most of that strategy must remain confidential, we can tell you that it will be very difficult for the governor to pass any gun control legislation without some Republican votes.

Even if you live in a Michigan House district or a Michigan Senate district with legislators you believe are reliable allies, it is helpful to develop a relationship with them to the point that they recognize your name. Email and social media are great. But it's particularly helpful to show up at community events and town halls where your legislators are present in order to have face-to-face conversations with them. You can find that information by subscribing to their email newsletter or Facebook page. Explain why owning a modern rifle is important to you and your family's safety from a practical perspective using your own words and your personal experience as a responsible gun owner.
December 2022 CPL Report
Total current Michigan CPL licenses increased to 793,949 in November, the largest monthly increase since May. MCRGO class numbers have also begun to pick back up despite the holidays. The full report may be readĀ HERE.

Thursday through Sunday, February 23-26, 2023
Suburban Collection Showplace; 46100 Grand River Avenue; Novi, MI
Open to the public, tickets at door, MCRGO Booth Number 5467

Ultimate Sports Show
Thursday through Sunday, March 9-12, 2023
DeVos Place; 303 Monroe Ave. NW; Grand Rapids, MI
Open to the public, tickets at door, MCRGO Booth Number TBD