In the dead of winter, a mother wolf has prepared her maternity den, where her young pups are getting hungry. Unlike many other mammals, gray wolves stay active throughout the winter, so the mama wolf must brave the harsh, cold conditions in search of food to nourish herself and her pups...
But before she can make it back to the den, she is VIOLENTLY SHOT DEAD by cruel trophy hunters -- leaving her lifeless body bloody and mangled in the snow as her pups eagerly await mama’s return. Too weak to fend for themselves, these helpless wolf pups will soon die of STARVATION or HYPOTHERMIA.
With wolf hunting season underway, this heart-wrenching scene could soon be the reality for innocent wolf pups and their mamas in regions like the Northern Rockies -- where the three states bordering Yellowstone have NO federal laws protecting gray wolves from MERCILESS trophy hunters out for blood. But with urgent action and strong public support, we can help keep wolves safe by DEMANDING critical endangered species protections. Will you sign the petition right now?
There are currently less than a hundred Yellowstone gray wolves remaining, and this vulnerable species is being MASSACRED by brutal trophy hunters. Yet Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming continue to LEGALLY permit some of the most GRUESOME hunting tactics that enable the VICIOUS SLAUGHTERING of these precious animals -- including BLOWING UP nursing wolf mothers and their pups inside their dens.
To make matters worse for these beloved canines, the Biden Administration has recently filed an appeal to REVERSE existing federal protections for wolves.
Without these critical safeguards, more gray wolves will be MURDERED by ruthless trophy hunters -- and we could soon lose this vulnerable species forever. Please, Friend, this cannot wait. Wolves need you right now. Add your name to protect vulnerable gray wolves before it’s too late >>
Thank you for protecting wolves,
Friends of the Earth