Get ready for the fights ahead with PeopleGreater.

Hey there --

Emi from the PeopleGreater team here! It’s so great to (finally) connect with you.

I’m not here just to connect, though. 2019 was a truly bananas year -- and 2020 is sure to be the same. A new global conflict with Iran is bubbling to the surface, impeachment looms over the Senate, and consequential Supreme Court decisions on Americans’ health care, reproductive rights, and personal freedoms are only months away.

Basically -- there are lots of fights ahead, and I need you on PeopleGreater’s team. We’ll bring you periodic updates and alert you to the most impactful actions you can take to affect change throughout 2020. You won’t want to miss out.

Make sure you’re staying updated on everything that happens in 2020 by confirming your email now:

Thanks for your energy and activism, looking forward to an important year ahead.

In solidarity --


P.S.: Just wondering, what issues are you most concerned about in 2020? Shoot me an email and let me know -- it’ll help PeopleGreater make sure we’re getting the most relevant info and actions into your inbox regularly.

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