Dear Friends,

The National Religious Campaign Against Torture invites you to join us for two events this weekend:

1. Close Guantanamo Rally outside the White House
Saturday, January 11 at 1pm: On the 18th anniversary of the opening of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, please join us for the “Justice Now: Close Guantanamo and End Torture” rally in Lafayette Square. Rev. Ron Stief, Executive Director of NRCAT, will join other speakers including Guantanamo lawyer Shelby Sullivan-Bennis, Valerie Lucznikowska of September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows and Dr. Maha Hilal of the Justice Muslims Collective. This is an important opportunity to continue to make clear our commitments to ending indefinite detention and closing Guantanamo. For more information please go to

2. Free Screening of “The Report” and Panel Discussion in Fairfax, VA
Sunday, January 12 at 4:15pm: “The Report”, starring Adam Driver and Annette Bening, tells the story of U.S. Senate staffer Dan Jones as he led an investigation into the CIA's torture program. The film will be followed by a discussion with Rev. Ron Stief, Executive Director of NRCAT, and retired Army psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Xenakis.
Tickets: For tickets, please RSVP at
Location: Cinema Arts Theatres, 9650 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031


Rev. T.C. Morrow
Director of Finance & Operations

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