From ADL Headlines <[email protected]>
Subject 25,000 March Against Anti-Semitism in New York City
Date January 9, 2020 8:03 PM
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January 9, 2019


An estimated 25,000 people marched across the Brooklyn Bridge and then gathered for a community rally, co-sponsored by ADL, in a show of strength and solidarity in response to the recent spate of anti-Semitic violence in the New York City metro area. The U.S. attack that killed an Iranian military leader has spawned a range of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jews &ldquo;pushing&rdquo; war against Iran. Music-streaming service Spotify is under fire for failing to remove anti-Semitic content, including song titles praising Hitler and demonizing Anne Frank.

Read on for more on these headlines, news you can use to fight hate and the latest info about ADL from around the country.



25,000 March Against Anti-Semitism in New York City

&ldquo;The rally drew throngs of Jews from the state, which is home to nearly two million Jews and delegations came in from cities across the country like Washington, D.C., and Cleveland. And the march included the state&rsquo;s most senior politicians, including Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer, who is Jewish.&rdquo; JTA:

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WATCH: Jonathan Greenblatt&rsquo;s remarks to the Solidarity Rally against Anti-Semitism

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READ: ADL Welcomes Gov. Cuomo&rsquo;s Proposal to Classify Mass Violence Motivated by Hate as Domestic Terrorism

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WATCH: Recap video of the Solidarity March



Iran Strike Prompts Conspiracy Theories about Jews

"The U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani has spawned a series of anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist conspiracy theories blaming Jews and &ldquo;Zionists&rdquo; for controlling President Trump and the U.S. government." ADL:

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Jonathan Greenblatt tweet: &ldquo;Suleimani didn&rsquo;t just have blood on his hands &ndash; he was drenched in it.&rdquo;



On Spotify, Hate Streams Unchecked as Playlists Praise Hitler, Call to Gas Jews

&ldquo;Music-streaming giant Spotify is host to dozens of user-generated playlists with titles praising Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, mocking Holocaust victims, and featuring photos of swastikas and white nationalist hate symbols&hellip; ADL said it was reaching out to Spotify &lsquo;to press them, as we have other platforms, to enforce effective policies to combat online hate and anti-Semitism&hellip;&rsquo;&rdquo; The Times of Israel:

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ADL Resource: About the Center for Technology and Society



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Tech companies must take responsibility for allowing cyberhate to thrive on their platforms&hellip;
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Thank you @TishJames for your powerful and clear ally ship with the Jewish community&hellip;
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ADL&rsquo;s @sharon_nazarian explains that allowing #antiSemitism to fester isn&rsquo;t just of concern for Jewish communities, but is a threat to religious freedom everywhere&hellip;



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To stop hate, Scottsdale teen pushes for mandatory Holocaust education for AZ schools (AZ Family)
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Athens activist pushes for hate crimes law in state House bid (Project Q Atlanta)
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With Windex and razors, Burlington &lsquo;vigilantes&rsquo; target hate-group stickers (Seven Days, Vermont)



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White supremacists are making up their own &lsquo;medieval memes&rsquo; to promote ethnic cleansing (
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Panel head calls for action against rise of anti-Semitism in U.S. (The Washington Times)
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The crazy case of ex-NFL player&rsquo;s pageant-crashing lackeys (The Daily Beast)

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