The war on science continues across the country, including in our schools. Now the State Board of Education has decided this year to overhaul curriculum standards that guide what all Texas public school students must learn in their science classrooms.
Science deniers don’t want to teach the truth about climate change — one of the most serious challenges facing our world today. It’s critical that the new science standards ensure that students understand climate change is a serious problem, that human activity is causing it, and that we must address it effectively.
There are two ways that you can take action to ensure that fact-based, 21st-century science is taught in Texas public schools.
The first option is for everyone:
1. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is taking applications from individuals who want to serve on work groups revising science standards. The work groups are open to anyone to apply, although preference is given to educators.
Work groups are essential to this process, hashing out the actual language of the standards proposed to the SBOE.
It's critical that supporters of teaching sound science serve on these groups. If you would like to participate, click here for important information about the work groups, including how to apply, as well as a way of letting us know you're interested in volunteering.
The second option is for science educators:
2. TEA is surveying educators regarding their opinions about the current standards (called the TEKS, or Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills). The results of the survey will inform the recommendations of the science TEKS work groups. Filling out this survey will also let SBOE members know that educators think teaching students the facts about climate change is critically important.
We have put together all the information you need to complete the survey.
If you're not able to participate in either but know someone who should, please forward this email to them.
Students deserve a science education that prepares them to succeed and thrive. But this can only happen with the involvement of Texans willing to #StandUp4Science.
In the fight,

Julia Mandel
Outreach and Advocacy Coordinator, TFN