Sign up here to join the AOTL Volunteer Team! You'll get weekly emails from the HQ Team with exclusive updates about upcoming events, trainings and ways to get involved. You can even join a monthly strategy call to hear directly from the AOTL Training Director (that's me!) and our State Directors.
AG Holder believes that we can achieve fair maps with a strong grassroots effort -- but we need to be more engaged in the 2021 redistricting process than we were in 2011.
That's why our team is focused on building a solid foundation for this movement before redistricting begins. And I know that having strong volunteer leaders in our communities is essential to our success. These are the folks who will be ambassadors for the cause -- explaining the local impacts of gerrymandering, helping get their friends and neighbors involved, organizing advocacy efforts to hold elected officials accountable. They will be leading the charge to challenge the status quo by fighting for fair maps.
If that sounds like you, I hope you'll join the AOTL Volunteer Team -- we need people like you to organize your community in this fight!
-- Mallory
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.