From Eliminate the Debt Ceiling <>
Subject Time is running out to save Social Security
Date December 10, 2022 3:12 PM
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Republicans are already making open threats to slash Social Security — or
else tank the global economy by refusing to raise the debt limit and
forcing the federal government into default.

John Thune, the second-highest-ranking Senate Republican, just announced
that he won’t support raising the debt limit unless Social Security is cut
by raising the retirement age.^1 In the House, over two dozen Republicans
are demanding cuts in Social Security or other programs in exchange for
voting to lift the debt limit.^2

Republicans are doubling down on their threats to hold the debt ceiling
hostage to demand cuts to Social Security, so Democrats need to double
down to defend it. That's why they must eliminate the debt ceiling ASAP,
before they leave for the year.

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including pressuring Democrats in Congress to eliminate the debt ceiling
before it’s too late?

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The debt ceiling is a meaningless formality. Raising it periodically just
affirms that the U.S. government will pay for policies it has already
passed. That’s why Republicans quietly raised the limit three times during
Donald Trump’s presidency.^3

But with Democrats controlling the White House and the Senate next year,
the debt limit is among the few bargaining chips House Republicans hold.
They can refuse to raise the ceiling unless their demands are met, just as
they did under Obama.^4

There’s no reason to believe this fight is going to go better for
Democrats than it did in 2011. In fact, it’s almost guaranteed to go
worse, and the millions of Americans who receive Social Security benefits
will pay the price.

There’s no reason to put Social Security at risk and threaten worldwide
economic shutdown. That’s why Congress must act now, while Democrats still
control both chambers, to eliminate the debt ceiling once and for all.

[ [link removed] ]Donate to support our work, including pressuring Congress to eliminate
the debt ceiling and stop cruel cuts to Social Security and other

With gratitude for all you do,

Tihi and the team at Demand Progress Action

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1. Yahoo!, "GOP’s Thune Sees Debt-Ceiling Hike as Vehicle for Budget
Cuts," [ [link removed] ]November 29, 2022.
2. CNN, "Kevin McCarthy faces debt-limit dilemma as House GOP ratchets up
demands amid speaker bid," [ [link removed] ]December 2022.
3. The Washington Post, "White House rules out concessions over debt
ceiling while GOP refuses to help avert crisis," [ [link removed] ]September 20, 2021.
4. Wikipedia, "United States debt-ceiling crisis of 2011," accessed
[ [link removed] ]December 9, 2022.

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