Why Give?
To show support for the human rights of people who use drugs.


Dear Friend,

On this International Human Rights Day, December 10, please give a gift to National Harm Reduction Coalition and help us fight for the rights of people who use drugs. Today, let us reflect on the importance of all our rights.

The National Harm Reduction Coalition works to promote education and engagement on harm reduction strategies, build power among organizations and communities affected by drug use and racialized drug policies, and train frontline providers around the country to bring these strategies to scale. Each day, we’re reminded of how we continue to fight for the rights of people who use drugs and we’re reminded of what’s still left to do. Nationwide shortages of supplies like sterile syringes, extreme policies and rulings that undermine the rights of people who use drugs, and the slow trickle of federal funding for programs like ours are threats to our goals. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

When we stand together as a community, we can be an undeniable force for change. I’m asking you to give a gift to National Harm Reduction Coalition so we can continue to stand up for and build upon the rights of people who use drugs. With your generous support, we will preserve and advance the harm reduction movement together. Please Give Today!

In solidarity,
Dr. Anthony Salandy
Senior Director, Development 
National Harm Reduction Coalition 
Meet Anthony

P.S. As you make your donation this year, don’t forget that the tax incentive for charitable cash gifts was extended for 2022. Single filers can claim a deduction for cash donations up to $300 and married couples filing together may get up to $600.

Why Give?
To show support for the human rights of people who use drugs.
Meet Orisha

Please give to show support for the human rights of people who use drugs.


National Harm Reduction Coalition
243 5th Ave, #529
New York, NY 10016

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