Despite the unprecedented surge in vaccine related injuries (and deaths), these monsters mean to innoculate our babies with this And these same legacy media outlets that happily report this terrible crime against humanity, refuse to report or cover it's ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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DIABOLICAL: FDA Clears New COVID-19 Vaccines For Babies Children Under age 5
Despite the unprecedented surge in vaccine related injuries (and deaths), these monsters mean to innoculate our babies with this And these same legacy media outlets that happily report this terrible crime against humanity, refuse to report or cover ...

Duke University Surgeons Deny 14-Year-Old Girl a Kidney Transplant Because She Is Unvaccinated
This isn't medicine, it's an evil cartel in collusion with a fraudulent regime.

State sponsored murder.

The greatest mistake in medical history

— Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) December 9, 2022


WATCH Fake Doctor Jill Biden Urges All Americans To Get ANOTHER Covid Shot Before Christmas
Jill Biden: “The most important thing you can do to prepare for your holidays is to get your updated COVID vaccine.”

Myocarditis for Christmas.

*She's calls herself doctor, but she's not. Further evidence of the low state of the medical ...

Biden Regime Denies Gov. DeSantis’ Request for Emergency Funds for Hurricane Ian Victims
Billions for Ukraine dictatorship, nukes for Iran but Americans get ….. the middle finger.

Denies Gov. DeSantis' Request for Emergency Funds for Hurricane Ian Victims

Governor Ron DeSantis has announced that the state will pay $25 million ...

FBI Agent Testifies About Bureau’s Involvement in Social Media Censorship
And still nothing is done. Nothing.

Power without accountability.

FBI Agent Testifies About Bureau's Involvement in Social Media Censorship

An FBI agent has provided sworn testimony that the bureau’s leadership was directly involved ...

White House Chose Between Brittany Griner or Paul Whelan, Biden Chose Griner
Related: Biden Regime Trades Mass Murdering “Merchant of Death” For Anti-American Brittney Griner, Leaving Paul Whalen Behind

US Marine Paul Whelan is rotting in a Russian jail for 4 years already. His sentence is up in 12 years. ...

Sinema LEAVES DEMOCRAT PARTY Switches To Independent In Senate Shake-Up
Democrats will not have the tidy 51 seats they assumed. Sadly, we look again to a Democrat with a soul to stop the carnage,but Sinema (and Manchin, for that matter) are not going to save us. The GOP is absolutely worthless. I predict it will go the ...

The Greatest Gaslight in History
Like the author of this piece, I too, am 100% Jewish and completely concur with his sharp observations.

The Democrats embrace the most vile Jew haters but proud Jews and Zionists are reviled. The only antisemitism they pretend to feign outrage ...

EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE: Protestors Still Demand, “Arrest Man Who Choked Zeldin Supporter!” (crickets)
JUSTICE FOR ANGIE November 12, 2022 . 6th Precinct in lower Manhattan.

The OUTRAGEOUS assault took place outside the infamous Stone Wall Inn on November 5th,2022 where  pro-Kathy “Hochul for Governor” supporters had assembled. ...

Latest ‘Twitter Files’ Reveal Secret Suppression of Right-Wing Commentators
We have long known. I was an early target and I am still banned from Twitter.

Here is how they did it. Dorsey lied to Congress. Senior Twitter officials lied to Congress. And nothing changes.

What about Facebook? You Tube? Google search? ...

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