FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 9, 2022 CONTACT: Michael Pearlman, Communications Director ? Governor Appoints Daniel Stebner to be a Circuit Court Judge for the Ninth Judicial District ? CHEYENNE, Wyo. ??? Governor Mark Gordon has appointed Daniel Stebner to be a Circuit Court Judge for the Ninth Judicial District serving Fremont County. Stebner?s appointment fills the vacancy left by the retirement of Judge Wesley Roberts. ?Dan is uniquely qualified and situated to serve as the Circuit Court Judge in the Ninth Judicial District,? Governor Gordon said. ?His familiarity with the community and his experience in criminal matters will allow him to quickly come up to judicial speed. He will serve Fremont County well.? ?I am humbled and honored to be named to the circuit court bench,? Stebener said. ?I have had the opportunity to practice at the Circuit court level on criminal and county matters, and look forward to serving the people of Fremont County.? -END-