$100 million investment will expand access to over 33,000 homes
Governor Walz announced that internet providers will receive nearly $100 million to expand broadband coverage to more Minnesotans ? the largest single investment in broadband infrastructure in state history.
?This historic funding will dramatically improve broadband access for thousands of Minnesotans,??said Governor Walz.??Broadband connects students to new educational opportunities, provides workers with more flexibility, expands access to health care resources and information, and helps us stay connected to the people who matter most. This investment is essential to making Minnesota the best state to live, work, and raise a family ? no matter where you live.?
 This week, Governor Walz responded to the State of Minnesota?s November Budget and Economic Forecast, which projected a record-breaking budget surplus.
?Today?s news is proof that Minnesota?s economy is strong and growing. One thing is clear: this surplus is a result of the students, small businesses, and working families whose hard work and creativity make our economy one of the most resilient and diverse in the country,??said Governor Walz.??The case for sending money back to Minnesotans to help with rising costs has never been stronger. Together, we have a golden opportunity to do that while also investing in our workforce, our schools, and our kids ? all while lowering costs for our middle-class families, small businesses, and seniors.?
 Last week, Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan announced $2.5 million in new funding to increase access to affordable child care.
?In every community across the state, we hear from families and small businesses that increasing access to affordable child care is the best way to support our work force, grow our economy, and foster economic prosperity,??said Governor Walz.??These grants reach communities across our state to?help increase child care access and ensure families and our youngest Minnesotans receive the care and early education they deserve.?