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Read the November–December Issue Online

Inside This Issue

Language, like our institutions today are under attack. Our main article examines the idea of linguistic corruption—i.e., consciously imposed changes in language engineered by elites for political reasons—and contrast this with natural and organic evolution of language.

Kendall shares Murray Rothbard’s antipathy for elite dominance, and sees the Left’s phony push for equality as nothing more than an attempt to install themselves as leaders of a revolutionary social order. Kendall is not for liberty and natural law, but this book is interesting and vital.

Who owns and controls language? There should be greater awareness and understanding of the distinction between evolution and corruption, between spontaneous linguistic changes and the imposition of language to serve an agenda.


In the current world, secession—when successful—is an event that reduces the size and scope of states. It reduces the territory and the populations over which a single central institution exercises monopoly power.

All past issues of The Austrian are also available at


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