Join me and support our troops this holiday season.
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Image of Stephen Colbert in front of an Ultima Thule sign


Dear USO Supporter,

The holidays are supposed to be a time of warmth and togetherness, but for a lot of our troops, getting through this time of year is a challenge.

Right now, thousands of service members are deployed around the world. Instead of celebrating the holidays like many of us are, surrounded by friends and family, they’re risking their lives in dangerous places to keep us safe.

I’m a longtime partner of the USO, and I’ve enjoyed my visits to overseas bases, from Iraq to Thule, Greenland recently, one of the most remote military bases in the world.

You wouldn’t believe how appreciative our troops are for the support they find with the USO and at USO centers around the world like the one recently opened in Thule. That’s why I’m reaching out today.

The holidays can be an especially difficult time for those in the military, but supporters like you can make it a little easier with a donation to the USO. Will you make a holiday donation to the USO now towards their $75,000 goal to provide essential support like connections home and care packages to American heroes during the holidays and into the new year?*

As an American, I’m so lucky to enjoy the freedom our troops protect. And I’ll bet you feel the same way. Making a donation to the USO may not seem like much, but it’s more meaningful than you know. Just $29 could help a mom deployed overseas call her kids on Christmas, and $50 could help send 5 care packages to service members spending their first holidays away from home.

I’m personally writing to you today because I know our military is as important to you as they are to me. Will you make a gift to the USO today to join me in thanking our troops for the sacrifices they’re making every day to defend our nation and the freedoms we enjoy?

Thank you for supporting our troops all year long, but especially for doing so during the holidays.

Stephen Colbert

P.S. Find out more about my recent USO tour to Thule, Greenland, on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” I dedicated an entire episode to this incredible trip visiting Guardians – watch now at The Late Show’s YouTube channel.