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Subject Brittney Griner is Free, The Future of Water Security, Peace Through Music
Date December 9, 2022 8:05 PM
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December 9, 2022[[link removed]]Wilson Weekly
Bridging the Gulf: China's Navigation of the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry [[link removed]] [link removed] [[link removed]]
[[link removed]]As Bridging the Gulf goes to press, Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping is in Riyadh for a summit with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and other Arab leaders. Washington will watch with rapt attention—and fear—but with little understanding of the scope and limits of China’s Middle East ambitions.
In this new book, Lucille Greer, Schwartzman Scholar with the Kissinger Institute, provides the historical and strategic background that US policymakers badly need.
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Brittney Griner Released in Exchange for Viktor Bout Transforming US-Africa Economic Engagement into a 21st Century Partnership
“If Putin wanted to try and broaden the negotiations and deal with, for example, US sanctions against Russia or other penalties that have been imposed against Russia in light of the invasion of Ukraine, he did not succeed.” -Kennan Institute Director Will Pomeranz. “Private enterprise remains the greatest force on earth for lifting lives, building communities, and creating opportunities. Young Africans are raring to show us all that they can do, all that they can mean. So really our job is to amplify their voices, to help them harness their ideas, all with the help of American investment and engagement.” -Ambassador Mark Green, Wilson Center President & CEO.
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Fall 2022Meeting Family Planning Supply Chain Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa
When Eless Limani couldn’t get her regular contraceptive, her life took a turn she wasn’t prepared for. Several experts examine the challenges and solutions for life-saving family planning commodities. Read more in the current issue of the Wilson Quarterly .
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Arms Control and Regional Security Oral History Project Blank Sheets No More
In the latest offerings from the Wilson Center’s History and Public Policy Program, scholars found narratives of the Arms Control Regional Security Working Group negotiations, then paired the never-before-seen documents with an extensive series of interviews with the working group participants. “It appears that most Chinese still support Xi Jinping’s leadership. They are grateful for his anti-corruption campaign, China’s low COVID-19 body count, and its enhanced global status (which inspires respect and resentment in roughly equal measure). But liking for Xi doesn’t mean the Chinese people understand and approve the direction in which he is taking the country,” writes Kissinger Institute Director Robert Daly.
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Why North American Trade is an Essential Tool for Women’s Empowerment Water, Peace, & Security: New Tools for a New Climate
In this new article, co-authors Cecily Fasanella & John Burzawa, argue that to maximize the potential benefits of the US-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement for women, and improve women's economic empowerment across North America, stakeholders must work together to fully implement it. Water grows our food, generates our energy, sustains our ecosystems, and ensures our prosperity. A rapidly changing climate and shifting demographics make managing water security increasingly complex. An impressive line-up of experts help launch a new Wilson Center event series to help tackle this vital issue.
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NOW Logo [[link removed]]Building Peace Through Music: The South Asian Symphony Orchestra
“We’ve created an identity for the musicians in the area of South Asia to be able to connect with their counterparts all across the world, from the United States to New Zealand.” Amb. Nirupama Rao, Wilson Center Global Fellow, Former Indian Foreign Secretary and Former Indian Ambassador to Washington and Beijing, highlights her work as Founder-Trustee of The South Asian Symphony Foundation in the latest edition of Wilson Center NOW.
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Upcoming Events
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The Outlook for Strategic Competition in the Semiconductor Industry [[link removed]]Monday, Dec. 12 // 2­–3:00 pm (ET)
Building a More Resilient Semiconductor Supply Chain Through U.S.-ROK Cooperation [[link removed]]Wednesday, Dec. 14 // 10–11:00 am (ET)
EVs and Green Transport and the U.S.-South Korea Partnership [[link removed]]Thursday, Dec. 15 // 10–11:00 am (ET)
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Wilson In the News
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A New Generation of Women is Challenging Iran’s Islamic Revolution (KCRW) [[link removed]]
“For the first time in human history, you're beginning to see a counter revolution, ignited by women, led by women, in which women are the primary force. It's been remarkable. And whatever it’s faced, these protests will go down in history for the role of women.” -Wilson Center Distinguished Fellow Robin Wright
'Merchant of Death' Traded for Brittney Griner in Prison Swap (Fox) [[link removed]]
“I don’t think President Putin understood who Brittney Griner was, I don’t think he understood the case.... I think he realized that he could get some leverage. But clearly Putin didn’t get all that he wanted either... I don’t think this was a political win for Putin. I don’t think it will even be mentioned in the Russian press.” -Kennan Institute Director Will Pomeranz
Classic Putin': Russia Expert on Leader's Visit to Damaged Crimean Bridge (CNN) [[link removed]]
“This is classic Putin. ‘I’m strong, I’m out there, this is our bridge, we’re back in operation.’ And remember, this really is his bridge. He got the money for it, he gave the order to build it, it’s really very personal. And just look at that video—he's literally at the wheel, driving across. I think it’s a sign that he’s digging in his heels and this war is going to go on.” -Kennan Institute Fellow Jill Dougherty
Nepal's Ruling Coalition Has the Edge in Elections (Foreign Policy) [[link removed]]
“With no one party earning a majority, intense horse-trading is underway in Kathmandu as the Nepali Congress works to cobble together a coalition, which could delay the formation of a new government.” -Read more from South Asia Program Director Michael Kugelman.

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