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Dear NCRC members and allies,

The last time we wrote to you we told you that we would be calling on you soon - well, that time has come. Today is the day. We need you.

Earlier today the government published and opened up for public comments a plan to radically change and diminish the impact of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). 

Now the clock is ticking. We've got to mobilize everyone we know who cares about the economic health, wealth and justice in America's communities. The regulators need to hear from you.


Watch our video to learn more

To learn more about how this proposal will harm communities across the nation, visit our #TreasureCRA page. And while there, follow our instructions to submit your own comment to let them know that weakening the CRA will not be tolerated. 

We need to flood the agencies with our comments. We need your voice. 

Not sure what to say? Don’t worry, we got you! We have sample letters to help you craft your masterpiece. Just as long as you send something. Then spread the word. Push this message out through your email lists and social media.

The time to act is now. We only have 60 short days to make an impact and force the OCC and FDIC to trash this NPRM and start over.

Submit your comment today!

Thanks for your continued support.


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The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and its grassroots member organizations create opportunities for people to build wealth.

Our mailing address is:
740 15th St. NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20306

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