Global Opportunities to
Address Migrant Workers’ Access to
Justice for Wage Theft

December 14, 2022 | 18:00-19:30 GMT | 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. EST
As the 2022 World Cup comes to a close, thousands of migrant workers whose labor made the games in Qatar possible have still not been paid the wages they are owed.

But what happened in Qatar is not the exception. In every country, migrant workers routinely face wage theft because of their unique vulnerability as migrants. A migrant worker who comes forward risks not only job termination but removal from the country and, once gone, their ability to recover wages in the country of employment usually disappears as well. Many return home with significant unpaid wages that they will never recover. 

Migrant Justice Institute, Solidarity Center and the ILAW Network invite you to a global conversation on next steps to ensure justice for migrant workers.


About the project

Following our 2021 report on promising global initiatives to address wage theft, Migrant Justice Institute, in partnership with the Solidarity Center and ILAW, is undertaking new research and advocacy around effective laws and systems aimed at wage recovery. With input and advice from advocates globally, we will continue to develop policy models and reform recommendations based on detailed empirical and legal research into best practices around the world. 

Future webinars will present these findings and introduce new and successful initiatives to recover workers’ wages. Please see the project webpage for more information and to sign up for updates on webinars and new research.

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