Fox News: Seattle city employee sues over ‘racially hostile work environment’


Joshua Diemert was a model employee at Seattle’s Department of Human Services—but he’s now suing the city for treating and evaluating employees based on race.

Fox News interviewed Joshua and his attorney, PLF’s Laura D’Agostino, about the racial equity trainings Joshua was forced to attend as a government employee, which taught that “racism is in white people’s DNA.”


The Hill: Government-sponsored home equity theft robs the elderly and poor of millions of dollars


If you owe someone $14, should they be entitled to take a $100 bill out of your wallet and keep the change?

Obviously not, writes Christina Martin. Yet in a dozen states and the nation’s capital, the government collects delinquent real estate taxes in this unconstitutional fashion.

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End Home Equity Theft: When taxation really is theft


Last week, PLF released End Home Equity Theft, the first national study to measure home tax foreclosures in states that allow home equity theft.
The study’s results are stunning: $777 million in equity taken from 2014 to 2021.
So is the study’s website: a choose-your-own adventure to different states that allows you to take a dive deep into topics such as constitutionality, private investors, and data.

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What does “diversity” actually mean in college admissions?


The word “diversity” came up 204 times in the recent five-hour Supreme Court oral arguments over whether to end affirmative action in college admissions.

Justice Clarence Thomas even remarked that the repetition still left him with no clue what diversity means. “It seems to mean everything for everyone.”

While he never got a good answer during the arguments, Erin Wilcox offers three possibilities and reveals which one is most likely embraced by today’s universities.

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