Jenny Jones Clean Air Bill would make clean air a human right and force Government agencies to bring air quality within WHO safe limits.



For five days in December 1952 a thick fog strangled the streets of London.


Thousands died from respiratory and cardiac problems and there was a huge spike in childhood asthma cases.


The Great Smog woke the world up to the dangers of coal and four years later the UK passed the world’s first comprehensive air pollution act.


Seventy years on, air pollution still kills an estimated 40,000 people every year and causes debilitating illnesses in many more.


Jenny Jones Clean Air Bill would make clean air a human right and force Government agencies to bring air quality within WHO safe limits.


The Bill passed through the House of Lords last week with wide cross party support and will now makes it way to the Commons.


Can you donate to our campaign to help us get this landmark bill enacted and clean up the UK’s dirty air?

Thank you for your support.


The Green Party