FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 9, 2022 Contact: [email protected]
Gov. Whitmer Releases Parents’ Council Report Recommending Further Investments in Student Wellness, Teacher Recruitment, Learning Supports, and More Report follows statewide outreach campaign by the Michigan Parents’ Council to solicit parent feedback
LANSING, Mich. – Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer released the final report from the Michigan Parents’ Council, an advisory group she established to better include parents in the education budget process. The report summarizes feedback from thousands of Michigan parents and seven regional roundtables the council held. The report recommends continued investments in student mental health, school safety, teacher recruitment, learning supports, and parent/student feedback on state and local education policy. The council builds on Governor Whitmer’s inclusion of the parent perspective in the education budget she signed for the current school year and includes parents from across Michigan, as well as parents of students with a variety of educational needs.
“Parents are their children’s first and most important teachers, and by including their perspectives in the policymaking process, we can set our kids up for long-term success,” said Governor Whitmer. “As a mom of daughters who attended public schools, I am grateful for the council’s work to learn from parents about how we can best support students, educators, and schools. I look forward to incorporating the council’s recommendations in our next education budget and building on the historic progress we have made to invest in Michigan’s kids. Let’s keep working to put our kids first.”
“I applaud the work of the Parents’ Council and its focus on Michigan students—rebounding from the pandemic both academically and socioemotionally; supporting our educators; and providing safe learning environments in our schools,” said State Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice. “The voices and input of parents are important factors in helping our schools and educators best meet children’s needs.”
“Bringing parents and caregivers to the table is critical to setting our kids up for success,” said Tracey Troy, Chair of the Michigan Parents’ Council and President of the Michigan PTA. “I am proud of the Council’s work to foster inclusive conversations, solicit feedback from parents across Michigan, and put together comprehensive recommendations to present to Governor Whitmer for consideration in the next education budget. We look forward to continuing to work with Governor Whitmer to bring parents to the table and invest in a great future for every Michigan student.”
Report Findings The council conducted seven regional roundtables, a virtual statewide event and an online parent survey to engage parent and caregiver voices. The council held roundtables in:
Roundtable findings included resounding consensus among parents that education policy and budget initiatives should continue to:
Michigan Parents’ Council The Council includes appointees who represent various communities and reflect the wide range of experiences and perspectives from across the state. The council convened roundtables of parents and family members across Michigan to strengthen partnerships between parents and schools and shared input from the roundtables directly with the governor’s team and state superintendent.
The executive order establishing the council can be viewed here.
Governor Whitmer’s Education Investments For four years in a row, Governor Whitmer has worked across the aisle to make the largest education investments in Michigan history—without raising taxes. Since taking office, the governor has tripled the number of literacy coaches, closed the funding gap between schools, boosted state per-student investment to an all-time high, and helped districts hire thousands of teachers and on-campus mental health professionals.
The 2023 bipartisan education budget included the highest state per-pupil funding in Michigan history, increased mental health dollars for every student, and investments in educators, school infrastructure, and student supports.
The Whitmer-Gilchrist administration’s education accomplishments can be found here.