Dear John,

Great news! 

On Tuesday, we asked you and other supporters to flood Congress with messages to stop Senator Joe Manchin's "dirty deal." 

For the SECOND time this year, your quick action stopped this deal from passing. Thank you!! 

Congress heard loud and clear how unpopular this dirty deal was. We can all agree that not now (not ever!) should Congress support legislation that will:

  • gut environmental protections;
  • fast-track dirty fossil fuel and mining projects; 
  • increase harm to communities on the frontlines; and 
  • sacrificing homes  for industry profit.

But the fight continues. Senator Manchin is determined to get his dirty deal passed before the end of the year. That's why we keep fighting. We fight for a future that puts communities ahead of dangerous fossil fuel and mining projects. But we can't do this without you.

Help us do this work now and going into 2023 by making a tax-deductible donation today. Your contribution helps us support communities by stopping dirty deals like this, exposing polluters and protecting the climate. 

Thank you so much for your voice and your support.

In solidarity,

Kelsey Crane,
Senior Policy Advocate, Earthworks  |  Make a Donation

1612 K ST., NW Suite 904
Washington, DC 20006
202-887-1872 | [email protected] 
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